LeValley Library

Librarian: Karen Wambaugh

Welcome to the LeValley Methodist Church Library
Our Church offers a very resourceful Christian library. The "Book & DVD" cart is located in the commons area before entering into the sanctuary. You are most encouraged to come and check-out the variety of books and other media materials that are here for your enjoyment and reading adventures!
The most valuable book to read is the HOLY BIBLE.

MAY 2024 ~ This month we have 3 new authors to add to our Library!

Our first highlighted book is by Walt Larimore, MD, Bryson City Season. It is a memoir of Walt as a Christian doctor in a small North Carolina mountain town in the 1980’s. Reminiscent of James Herriot All Creatures Great and Small series. The situation and the people Dr. Larimore and his family meet are enlightening and enjoyable to read about.

Our second offering is Mrs. Jefferies and The Alms of the Angel by Emily Brightwell. This is a Victorian mystery that is not so much about the murder as about Inspector Witherspoon and his household staff. The entire staff set out with the help of others to form a network finding bits and pieces until they all fit together. Mrs. Jefferies, his housekeeper, unbeknownst to him, by asking questions and putting forth certain suggestions helps him solve the crime. Enjoy this read.

Our final offering this month is an audio book on CDs. The Giver by Lois Lowry is the story of 12 year old Jonah and his receiving his life assignment for his community. Some choices are Caretaker of the Old, Assistant to Director of Recreation, etc. Can he do what his assignment calls for? What is expected of him? Will his assignment help his community or not? This selection can get one thinking.

As always, enjoy one of our highlighted selections this month or something from our library shelves or the Library cart.

Karen Wambaugh—Librarian


~Previous months highlighted books of 2024 are listed below: 


APRIL 2024 ~ This month's reading highlights!

This month we highlight a third book by T. Davis Bunn, introduce an author, George MacDonald, writer and pastor from the late 1800’s new to our little library with one of a number of selections that have been donated and finally our non-fiction selection Falling to Pieces in a Crisis Was Not an Option For Me by Ellen Harbin.
Let’s begin with Falling to Pieces…The author speaks to you if you fall to pieces in a crisis there wasn’t much to you in the first place. But do not be misled to think she means you can’t cry, be frustrated, worn out, discouraged or irritated. She was all of these at times while dealing with her cancer diagnosis. She took Ps 16:5 “LORD, You assigned me my portion and my cup, You have made my lot secure.” Cancer was His assignment for her. This crisis was her assignment. And He allowed it. He allowed it so that His Son, Jesus Christ, could be glorified. He allowed it so that others might be led to Christ through her crisis. She had cancer, it did not have her. She asks us the reader to ponder this thought, she still does. This perspective made all the difference on how she walked through her crisis.

The Ultimatum by T. Davis Bunn is a follow up book to The Warning that was highlighted last month. It picks up the story of Buddy Korda, 18 months after the economic meltdown and God has another divine message for Buddy to deliver to the country. Some new character join us as well as some from the first novel. Again an engaging read. Once you start you don’t want to put it down.

Our last highlighted selection this month is The Baronet’s Song by George MacDonald. This book was originally published in 1879 and republished in 1983 that one translated from its original Scottish dialect into modern English. MacDonald once said, “I do not write for children, but for the childlike, whether five, or fifty or seventy-five.” “ This offering is a simple yet profound story of Sir Gibbie—the myth, the poetry, the fantasy, the love of Scotland, and the wonder of childhood.” Both C.S. Lewis and G.K. Chesterton were taken with MacDonald’s writing and I believe you will as well. A delightful offering. A second book is also included in this volume. Enjoy.


MARCH 2024 ~ We have three more highlighted books this month two of which are new to our shelves:

The first up is Hope Runs—An American Tourist, a Kenyon Boy, a Journey of Redemption by Claire Diaze-Ortiz and Samuel Ikua Gachagua. This is the true story of two twenty-something’s who ‘happen’ to stay at a Kenyan guest house at Imani Orphanage for a night on their around the world in a year trip. This one encounter stretches to a month, then a return for a year of volunteering and setting up a non-profit running program for the children. One child stands out and takes their hearts in particular, Sammy. With their help Sammy comes to the U.S. to complete his high school years and become part of their families. The account is written in chapters with some written from Claire and some from Sammy. The Sammy ones are especially enlightening—to see all of this unfold through his eyes.

Our second non-fiction selection is The Dream Giver by Bruce Wilkinson. Many might remember the author of this book for writing The Prayer of Jabez. This selection is in two parts, the first being a modern day parable of a Nobody named Ordinary who lives in the Land of Familiar. Ordinary has a dream though which causes him to start a journey. Sound familiar? A bit of an abbreviated Pilgrim’s Progress follows in the next 50 pages. The second part of the book is the author acting as a dream coach to explain the joys and setbacks on this journey as it would apply in our own lives. Whimsical, interesting and helpful read.

Our final selection this month is The Warning by T. Davis Bunn. This novel is fast moving story of an ordinary man, bank manager Buddy Korda in a small town when he starts experiencing a reoccurring nightmare. As days go by, he starts to think it might be a warning from God of impending financial collapse for the country. What is he to do? For this quiet man to speak, to put himself out there for ridicule? Is this truly from God? What if it isn’t ? Are we open to the idea of prophets today? Would we recognize one if there were? Would we listen? Would we step out if we were in Buddy’s shoes? Bunn is an excellent storyteller. You will enjoy this book. We have other books by this author that will be added to our shelves in the next few months.

Check out one of these selections or one of our other many choices on the cart or in the Library.

Karen Wambaugh-Librarian


FEBRUARY 2024 ~ Three good reads!

It is hard to believe that the Lenten season is upon us already. Ash Wednesday is the 14th of this month! Our highlighted books this month are ones that offer us words and themes that focus on God in His word and in our lives. A good thing to do and especially during Lent.

Our first offering is Paul and the World’s Most Famous Letters by Rosemary Houghton. As part of the review of this book reads: “the author writes as though she were chatting with a friend, she describes the times and the problems Paul faced, the responses he made.” The author discussed each letter Paul wrote and gives some background that can add additional information that helps when reading Paul’s letters. It is concise, only a little over 100 pages, and something you might consider to read as a secondary resource to Paul’s letters.

Our second book is My Soul Thirsts for God Reflections on the Psalms from Our Daily Bread. There are 92 meditations on 92 Psalms or parts of Psalms. One page has the Scripture and the next the meditation on that Scripture. I know that there are only 47 days in Lent, if you count the Sundays, but one can easily double up now and then. This offering gets us into God’s Word and another chance to ponder it.

Our last book this month is The Touch—A Contemporary Story of a Life Changed by Patricia Hickman based on the painting by Ron DiCianni. This is a story of a young wounded and running woman getting to the point of desperation and willingness to reach out to touch Jesus for wholeness and healing. The painting and the story is taken from Luke 8:43-48. Her pastor father is also changed through a series of events to be able to represent God in a more complete light. Well worth the time to read.

Karen Wambaugh-Librarian


JANUARY 2024 ~ No library news this month.