Reach Out, Build Up, Send Out
Thank you for visiting our website!
The purpose of the LeValley Methodist Church is to help transform the world by reaching out to people in Jesus name and developing them into mature followers of Jesus Christ.
Hello! We hope you will find our website a blessing. Our church offers a feeling of warm fellowship and love, and we want you to feel comfortable and at liberty to call on us at anytime for any reason.
Our website provides continuing information regarding our church and its ministries. We hope you will stay and browse our pages for a little while and learn about our fellowship.
If you are considering relocating to our area, we welcome you to come and be our guest for a Sunday morning worship service. Perhaps then; you will wish to continue to worship with us. We would love to have you amongst our presence and so would Jesus!
The LeValley Methodist Church (LVMC) is located in the country of the southerly outskirts of the City of Ionia, (Orange Township) at the intersecting cross-roads of Kelsey Highway and David Highway in Ionia, Michigan 48846.
Together, we are LeValley Methodist Church, a GLOBAL Methodist Church.
Pastor Nancy Patera and LeValley congregation welcome you!
CCLI #2640297